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Davys Pets

JBL ProNovo Axolotl Grano Medium Sinking Pellet 250ml

JBL ProNovo Axolotl Grano Medium Sinking Pellet 250ml

Regular price €9,99 EUR
Regular price Sale price €9,99 EUR
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  • Complete nutrition and optimal growth with medium-sized food granulate for axolotls and newts as well as clawed frogs from 8-20 cm
  • Best of all: mirrors their natural diet with fish meat of freshwater fish (very unusual!), amphipods and shrimps. Fish oil acts as an energy supplier for strengthening
  • The selected ingredients ensure better digestion and thus less water pollution (= less algae)
  • Prebiotic & sinking axolotl food: dedicated dietary fibres in the food supply the beneficial intestinal bacteria with food for healthy digestion
  • Package contents: original sealed, air- and light-tight, recyclable tin with dosing aid in the lid


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